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                                                                                                   Hans Jessen, civilingeniør HD



              Hans Jessen



                                                                                               has all the Rights to the product MASI         

                                                                                                       Telephone +45 2831 0777 

                                                                                                          e-mail:  hj@masi.dk




Accept of the  MASI Program Product Licence agreement ,  you may  download

 MASI programm Source files and  Old files MASI for Windows (Get a "DOS Box" on www.dosbox.com)


Concept of    M A S I    


 - a network based program with distributed Data Warehouses between which can be communicated by M A S I  clients or other e.g.

   ERP systems.


   On level 1 and 2 consolidation may take place, e.g. adding new markets. Level

   3 expresses time values derived from level 1 and 2 also to be changed later (or

   separate time values of e.g. sales) all for normal budgeting as in Data Mining

   or ERP systems.

Level                      Property

   1     Company, the Model in Part B

   2      Activities from the Model in Part B

   3     Endogen or exogen Time Series

        From the Thesis,  hierarchy of classes         

  Auto detection of level 1 and 2 manual page 26, level 3 on page 5, 22 and 23.                                         Self extracting file, see manual page 32 for installation


  M A S I  user manual

           Detailed  manual in Danish 147 pages

1. Introduction                        2

2. Data Warehouse                      3     

3. Analysis and simulation             7

4. Examples of reports and graphs     17

5. New job                            24

6. Standard Report                    27

7. Change report structure            29

8. Currency                           30

9. Memo                               31

Appendix                              32

M A S I installation

   Program product license


Total client of M A S I  system. This picture shows the main applications, beginning with S T A R T, connected with white paths (ways to go between the applications) and light blue paths (ways to save data; if no arrow, data can be saved both ways between the appli- cations). Within a main application there are several sub applications.

- 2 -

1 Introduction


Fig. 1.1


Analyse, simulation, planning and reporting

in companies

Copyright (C) 2006 Hans Jessen All Rights reserved

M A S I is a tool for managers to investigate the critical limits of working capital, cash flow, overdraft, need for long term loan and financial mobility by sensitivity analysis and variance analysis also in consolidation, before detailed plans in ERP systems are performed.

M A S I is a network based program with distributed Data Warehouses between which can be communi- cated by any user with his own M A S I client in the network.

In fig. 1.1 you see the start up picture of M A S I , where one can go to any

program section through dialogue menus or calling any subsections by pressing

F1, . . . F12, e.g. F1 for Help in picture of figure 1.1.

One may see in the last left corner which actions to be made in the actual field.

Further actions may be seen under F1 Help. Down in the right corner there are global functions to be done.

Alt + Print Screen with M A S I running in a window, get a copy of a screen to be put into Word for documentation or press ENTER in field P or press F3.

- 3-

2 Dataware House, Job Bank


In fig. 1.1 press ENTER in Data Warehouse and you get

fig. 2.1.                                            


Fig. 2.1

In fig. 2.1 Store is associated to the selected drive X:, where X may be C, D, E, . . . . Z. When

drive X: is selected as E, . . . Z, the specified drive may be also of type Network drive, name of a Store for other MASI clients. The Network drive X: may solely be the name of a simpel Store (alo- ne), where other MASI clients in the network may have access. 

In the field X:- Store --> Job Bank you may press ENTER to copy or move data from Store on drive X: into Job Bank or import data from other systems, e.g. Navision (a Microsoft company) is full implemented.

In fig. 2.1 press ENTER in the field Job Bank and you get the content of the Job Bank fig. 2.2.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.




- 4 -

Fig. 2.2

Here you will see jobs arranged in lines each with a number, the primary Data Base. The secondary

Data Base contains the data structures pointed to by the Jobs to be viewed by Inspect in figure 2.3. Hereby one get maximum speed by copy, move or delete jobs of the primary Data Base. A copy of Job points to the same one data structure. The Job Bank has no limits in size and maintains itself



Each job, 4 basic types, consists of a line of text in figure 2.3:


        1) a whole company  pointing to data structure, e.g. line 37.


        2) an activity      generated by the system, see the definition under figure 5.3,

                                   pointing to data structure, e.g. line 23.


        3) a time serie     generated by the system pointing to data structure,

                            e.g. line 28.


        4) a line of text   pointing to empty data structure, e.g. line 34.


You mark one og several jobs by pressing ENTER or click the mouse. Each marked Job gets a number of sequence to be processed. Marking a block press F4 in first line and F4 in last line. Unmark

press ENTER again or press F8.

Search text in the Job Bank by pressing F10.

Press Home/End or PgUp/PgDn, ENTER in n or p, enter number of page in field down in left corner and press ENTER to show pages.

Press F1 to get Help for other functions. Definitions of how job are formatted are shown in Job Formats.

Having done marking(s) and press ESC or clicking the mouse the shown message appear. (There are ca. 160 messages.) Overall there are logical dialogue messages, one can answer with YES or NO.

After marking Jobs you press ENTER in the field Function in fig. 2.3.

- 5 -

Fig. 2.3

In the menu appearing above you may Inspect, send outdata to EIS, send jobs to drive E, reorganize (delete field is further to the right) the Job Bank and you may Analyse the Jobs.

You may inspect a job by marking, press ENTER in Function and choose Inspect in the menu in fig. 2.3. or press F6 on job. Getting a total page of time series from Job Bank into E I S by marking the 1. row of a time series, ENTER in Function and ENTER in the field ->E I S , or just SHFT+F5 in the 1. row. Put a single time series into E I S by pressing F5 in the row. See also fig. 3.4.

Press F1 for Help menu to find keys to perform: Mark Bookmark, search Bookmark, search text, mark jobs, mark block of jobs etc.

Function to be performed:

        Consolidating jobs by marking jobs and Analyse.

        +, -, x, :, ratios, Present Value, search and statistics of time series.

        Create a new time series by field Data input or change a time series by pressing F6  

        on a time series. See also fig. 4.6 or fig. 4.7.


Choice of Time Unit:

        Month (only time series), Quater, Tertial, Halfyear, Year

        Range of periods: 1 - 12

Choice of Size Scale:

        " " = x1, "K" = x1000, "M" = x1000000, "G" = x1000000000

        Range of currency: .00001 - 999999000000000


On a time series you may perform further internal functions, i.e. delay of  payment, depreciation, accumulation, amortisation and % - change by pressing ENTER in the field Func. This is dependent of the dimension for the time series in consideration, i.e. "val/t" for current of money, "val" for stock of money, "pce/t" pieces of material, "pce" stock of material and "val/p" price per piece. Auto conversion of Time Unit (when possible) and Size Scale (" ", "K", "M", "G"). See also fig. 4.6 and fig. 4.7.


Press F1 to get Help for other functions.


If you have marked one job for Analyse, you get the picture in fig. 2.4.

This picture may look different, depending on choice of job and selected Function.


Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.

- 6 -


Fig. 2.4


You may change the data of fig. 2.4. Here you press ENTER in the field Analysis.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.

- 7 -

3. Analysis and simulation


Fig. 3.1                                     

The picture has a DATA and a Command section.



Fig. 3.1




Here you may inspect the outdata in column D A T A and perform further actions in column 

C o m m a n d . The Command column changes appearance depending on operating conditions.

The field D A T A may be entered in order to get or save text of parameters.

When you have Consolidated jobs and done changes, you may Deconsolidate the resulting job by automatically putting the Changes down to every job concerned through the command Calc.- value to basic value.


- 8 -

3.1 Indata status


Inddata status presents the actual values of input

in the 1. period of calculation in fig. 3.2.      


Fig. 3.2


In the up left corner the is a field p, press here ENTER or F3 to make a print.

The Name of a parameter may be changed by writing the new text. Set standard Name by pressing F11, reset the Name by pressing F12 in the field of Name.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.


- 9 -


Fig. 3.2


In the up left corner the is a field p, press here ENTER or F3 to make a print.

The Name of a parameter may be changed by writing the new text. Set standard Name by pressing F11, reset the Name by pressing F12 in the field of Name.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.

- 10 -

3.2 Outdata (time series) in compressed view

Outdata in compressed view is shown in fig. 3.3

Fig. 3.3

Example of output (Time) series, here the display of Outdata compressed of total 6 fixed and 1 variable content of Time Series. The Time Series may be saved to Job Bank or copied to the display with variable content with the name E I S. The Time Series may be shown in 4 modes and name changed via a library or by writing. All or selected numbers may be shown simultaneously in Graph.


In this type of figure you may:


        Click the mouse in the field << or >> to move the picture or arrows or



        Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

        Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

        Press ENTER in a name of a time series to move the time series in to E I S .

        Press F4 in the name to save or in the field Graph to save all the time

        series into the Job Bank, or press ENTER in save (all) in the menu. Number(s)

        with colour black turn into green.


        The Name of a parameter may be changed by writing the new text. Set

        standard Name by pressing F11, reset the Name by pressing F12 in the field

        of Name.


Functions of display:


        % relative to first row


        % - change


        Absolute change


The are also similar displays of:


        Profit and Loss calculation


        Working capital and Key numbers


        Cash Flow (after tax)


Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3).


- 11 -


3.3 Balance Ultimo


Balance Ultimo is shown in fig. 3.4


Fig. 3.4


In this type of figure you may:

        Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

        Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

        Press ENTER in a name of a time series to move the time series in to E I S .

        Press F4 in the name to save or in the field Graph to save all the time

        series into the Job Bank, or press ENTER in save (all) in the menu (see fig.3.3).

        Number(s) with colour black turn into green.


The Name of a parameter may be changed by writing the new text. Set

standard Name by pressing F11, reset the Name by pressing F12 in the field

of Name.


Functions of display:


        % relative to first row


        % - change


        Absolute change


There is a similar display of Balance Primo.


Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3).



- 12 -

3.4 Change Basic values absolute


Simulating new absolute values in fig. 3.5.


Fig. 3.5

You may enter new Basic values.

        Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

        Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

You may in fig. 3.5 enter the Job Bank by pressing F7.

See also the Help of figure 3.5 by pressing F1. F4, F6 and F8 are not valid here in fig. 3.5.

The activity censor shows, if the input is pure sales, purchase, fix costs, finance, production means or equity.

From this picture after data has been filled, you may order calculation.

Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3).


- 13 -

3.5 Change Basic values percent

Simulating new values in procent in fig. 3.6.


Fig. 3.6


You may enter new percent change of Basic values.

WC represents the total woking capital.

CF represents the cash flow.

AC represents the actuel output in view to be changed by selecting Part.

   Variance analyse in the pop up menu and arrow up, down or by pressing

   ENTER in a selected Name in fig. 3.8.


In the column of pct you may also press ALT+F5 and enter the absolute value.


Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3).


- 14 -

3.6 Change Basic values percent via sensitivity analysis

Changing the basic values in percent by the

 sensitivity analysis in fig. 3.7.           

Fig. 3.8


Sensitivity analysis: Find the most sensitive input parameters.%-change of output parameter AC, which may be altered to each of all output parameters, CF Cash Flow and WC Working capital ultimo 2004, when each input parameter is increased by 10% and 20% pri- mo 2004. Features: Colour band analysis on input parameter in % or absolute, select output parameter AC, select command menu, commands with keyboard or mouse. 

You may enter new percent change of Basic values.

WC represents the total woking capital.

CF represents the cash flow.

AC represents the actuel output in view to be changed by selecting Part.

   Variance analyse in the pop up menu and arrow up, down or by pressing

   ENTER in a selected Name in fig. 3.8.


The changes 10% and 20% of a specific parmeter are precalculated and shown i the columns.


In the column of pct you may also press ALT+F5 and enter the absolute value.


Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3).

- 15 -

3.7 Variance analyse

The incremental total of all outdata is shown

in the variance analysis in fig. 3.8.        

Fig. 3.8

Variance analysis: Find the most sensitive output parameters. %-change of output parameters ultimo year 2004 of the time series,  when input parameters change in % primo year 2004. Here sales price increases 10% primo year 2004. Features: select year, get the picture with the time series (for save, change name, etc.), colour band analysis, lowest level of analysis, select output parameters for analysis, select output parameter AC, commands with keyboard or mouse.


WC represents the total woking capital

CF represents the cash flow

AC represents the actuel output in view to be changed by selecting Part.

   Variance analyse in the pop up menu and arrow up, down or by pressing

   ENTER in a selected Name in fig. 3.8 and shows the total of the parameter

   in time, i.e. fig. 3.3.


The changes 10% and 20% of a specific parmeter are precalculated and shown i the columns.


In the column of pct you may also press ALT+F5 and enter the absolute value.


Press ENTER in the field << or >> or just press Ctrl + PGUP/PGDN to select the time valid.


You may perform level analysis of outdata by giving different values in the field % and press ENTER.


You may exclude certain outdata by pressing F4 on outdata or reset the display with F8.


Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.



- 16 -


3.8 Calculation ab "timeunit" no. N

Calculation in the second period is shown in fig. 3.9.  

one may change the rate of sales, fixed costs and finan-

ce, fig. 3.9.                                           


Fig. 3.9

Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3).

- 17 -

4. Examples of Reports and Graphs

In fig. 4.1 is shown the digital report by the E I S .


Fig. 4.1

In fig. 4.1 you may:

        Click the mouse in the field << or >> to move the picture or arrows or



        Move rows by pressing ENTER (click the mouse) in a row and move to a new

        row and press ENTER again. Copy rows by pressing ENTER (click the mouse) in

        a row and move to a new row and press F11. Insert a new row by pressing F6

        on the empty row. Change the values of a row by pressing F6 on the row

        and after having changed the data in the time series press ENTER in the

        name, see also fig. 4.6 and fig. 4.7. Delete a row by pressing F8 or DEL.


        Save a row in Job Bank press F4. Save the total E I S press F4 in the

        line of Graph. Or press ENTER in save (all) in the menu (see fig.3.3).

        Number(s)with colour black turn into green.


        Getting series from Job Bank by pressing F7 and press F5 by the time series

        wanted and then ENTER. Getting a total page from Job Bank by pressing F7,

        marking the 1. row of a time series, ENTER in Function and ENTER in the

        field ->E I S , or just SHFT+F5 in the 1. row.


        Depending on the time series displayed automatic detection of the Globals:

        Time Scale (here Year) and Val (here KDKK).


        Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

        Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

        Press CTRL + P for period displacement upwards or press ENTER in the field <


        Press F1 to get Help for other functions.


Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3)

- 18 -

Press ENTER in the field Graph and you get fig. 4.2.

Fig. 4.2

Example of Graph. Here are shown 1 or more curves max 10 curves in 1. Quadrant or 1. + 4. Quadrant with 5 or 12 time units. The Time Scale may be moved up/down (in the display E I S also make time displacement). Curves may be selected from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 changing to green colour if saved. The Y - axis has two units. LEFT: the physical dimension (e.g. DKK) of the Time Series (if only one alone is selected) and an attribute for " ", kilo, mega, giga (yellow in blue), when more than one curve the curves are divided in physical dimension and percent. RIGHT: percent. Other displays may be shown at the same time (the windows cascade). Commands with keyboard or mouse.

In fig. 4.2 you may:


         Press F8 or DEL in the numbers to delete. Press F7 to get into the Job

         Bank. Press Alt + F6 to get all curves.


         Create a new time series (or change) the time series by selecting number of

         row and press F6. Press ENTER in the name of time series to put the series

         into E I S.


         Getting series from Job Bank by pressing F7 and press F5 by the time series

         wanted and then ENTER. Getting a total page from Job Bank by pressing F7,

         marking the 1. row of a time series, ENTER in Function and ENTER in the

         field ->E I S , or just SHFT+F5 in the 1. row.


         Depending on the time series displayed automatic detection of the Globals: 

         Time Scale (here Year) and physical dimension (here KDKK/t).


         When saved the number(s) turn into green (blue, when 1 curve is schown).


         Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

         Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

         Press CTRL + P for period displacement upwards or press ENTER in the field <


         Press F1 to get Help for other functions.


Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.


- 19 -

Pressing ENTER in the field 1. + 4.Qud. you get fig 4.3.


Fig. 4.3

In fig. 4.3 you may:


        Press F8 or DEL in the numbers to delete. Press F7 to get into the Job

        Bank. Press Alt + F6 to get all curves.


        Create a new time series (or change) the time series by selecting number of

        row and press F6. Press ENTER in the name of time series to put the series

        into E I S.


        Getting series from Job Bank by pressing F7 and press F5 by the time series

        wanted and then ENTER. Getting a total page from Job Bank by pressing F7,

        marking the 1. row of a time series, ENTER in Function and ENTER in the

        field ->E I S , or just SHFT+F5 in the 1. row.


        Depending on the time series displayed automatic detection of the Globals:

        Time Scale (here Year) and physical dimension (here KDKK/t).


        When saved the number(s) turn into green (blue, when 1 curve is schown).


        Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

        Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

        Press CTRL + P for period displacement upwards or press ENTER in the field <


        Press F1 to get Help for other functions.


Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.



- 20 -

Pressing ENTER in the field 12-> you get fig 4.4.


Fig. 4.4

In fig. 4.4 you may:


         Press F8 or DEL in the numbers to delete. Press F7 to get into the Job

         Bank. Press Alt + F6 to get all curves.


         Create a new time series (or change) the time series by selecting number of

         row and press F6. Press ENTER in the name of time series to put the series

         into E I S.


         Getting series from Job Bank by pressing F7 and press F5 by the time series

         wanted and then ENTER. Getting a total page from Job Bank by pressing F7,

         marking the 1. row of a time series, ENTER in Function and ENTER in the

         field ->E I S , or just SHFT+F5 in the 1. row.


         Depending on the time series displayed automatic detection of the Globals:

         Time Scale (here Year) and physical dimension (here KDKK/t).


         When saved the number(s) turn into green (blue, when 1 curve is schown).


         Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

         Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

         Press CTRL + P for period displacement upwards or press ENTER in the field <


         Press F1 to get Help for other functions.


Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.



- 21 -

Pressing ENTER in the number 3 you get fig 4.5.


Fig. 4.5


In fig. 4.5 you may:


         Press F8 or DEL in the numbers to delete. Press F7 to get into the Job

         Bank. Press Alt + F6 to get all curves.


         Create a new time series (or change) the time series by selecting number of

         row and press F6. Press ENTER in the name of time series to put the series

         into E I S.


         Getting series from Job Bank by pressing F7 and press F5 by the time series

         wanted and then ENTER. Getting a total page from Job Bank by pressing F7,

         marking the 1. row of a time series, ENTER in Function and ENTER in the

         field ->E I S , or just SHFT+F5 in the 1. row.


         When saved the number(s) turn into green (blue, when 1 curve is schown).


         Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

         Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

         Press CTRL + P for period displacement upwards or press ENTER in the field <


         Press F1 to get Help for other functions.


Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.



- 22 -


Fig. 4.6


Create a new time series (or change the time series) by selecting number and press F6, then you get fig. 4.6. See also page 5 for units.

        Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

        Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

        Press CTRL + P for period displacement upwards or press ENTER in the field <

In the field Func. you may press ENTER to perform internal functions. See also page 5.

There are different input modes i.e. shaping the time series, consult the Help by pressing F1.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.


- 23 -


Fig. 4.7

Create a new time series (or change the time series) by selecting number of row and press F6 or selecting the row number and press ENTER in the field Data input, see fig. 4.1, then you get fig. 4.7. See also page 5 for units.

        Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

        Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

        Press CTRL + P for period displacement upwards or press ENTER in the field <


In the field Func. you may press ENTER to perform internal functions. See also page 5.

There are different input modes i.e. shaping the time series, consult the Help by pressing F1.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.

- 24 –


5. New job


In fig. 5.1 are shown the main data of a job.


Fig. 5.1


In fig. 5.1 you may enter the main data of a job.

Choice of Time Unit:

        Month (only time series), Quater, Tertial, Halfyear, Year

        Range of periods: 1 - 12

Choice of Size Scale:

        " " = x1, "K" = x1000, "M" = x1000000, "G" = x1000000000

        Range of currency: .00001 - 999999000000000

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.


- 25 –


In fig. 5.2 one enter the data for the job


Fig. 5.2


The Name of a parameter may be changed by writing the new text. Set standard Name by pressing F11, reset the Name by pressing F12 in the field of Name.

You may save the job by pressing F4, or press ENTER in save this in the menu (see fig.3.3).

        Press CTRL + O for moving the time scale upwards or press ENTER in the field 

        Press CTRL + N for moving the time scale downwards or press ENTER in the field  (

You may enter the Job Bank by pressing F7.

See also the Help of figure 5.2 by pressing F1.

The activity censor shows, if the input is pure sales, purchase, fix costs, finance, production means or capital.

From this picture after data has been filled, you may order calculation.

Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3).


- 26 –

Fig. 5.3


You may press F1 in fig. 5.2 and get fig. 5.3, where the definitions of activities are shown.

Activity sensor automatically detects the type of activity.

Every activity is saved in Job Bank with the characteristics defined by pressing ENTER in the field Job Formats in fig. 5.3.

Examples are shown in fig.2.2 line 23 and line 24.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.

- 27 –

6. Standard Report


In fig. 6.1 is shown input to the standard report.


Fig. 6.1


You may begin input of data to the report by pressing ENTER in the field Sales (I) (the activity of Sales, see definition in fig. 5.3) in fig. 6.1 and enter data in fig. 6.2.


You may press ENTER in the field Job Bank to inspect the report or delete some elements (see also page 28) by going to the last page and press ENTER in the field Delete.


You may Close Standard Report by pressing ENTER in the field beneath Job Bank (scroll the picture in figure 6.1). The system consolidates the selected activities and generates time series, see

also fig. 2.3, line 21 - 32 as a part of a standard report.


You may Change Report Structure by pressing ENTER in the field beneath Job Bank (scroll the pic- ture) in figure 6.1.


Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.



- 28 –


Fig. 6.2


See an example of a report in fig. 2.2 line 21 – 32.

You may delete some elements by pressing F7 for Job Bank, go to the last page and press ENTER in the field Delete. The window below in fig. 6.2 shows the last 5 input in Job Bank.

When differences between two reports in the Job Bank shall be done, see the easy instructions in the help of Job Bank.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.

- 29 –


7. Change Report Structure


In fig. 7.1 is shown the Report elements to be changed.


Fig. 7.1


Insert a new element, press ENTER and write text and at end of text arrow right to select the type.

Change an element by writing text and at end of text arrow right to select the type.

Save the report structure (an empty report) into Job Bank by pressing ENTER in Save All.

You may get a report structure from Job Bank by pressing ENTER in Job Bank, go to the first element of a report (structure) and press F7 and again F7.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.

- 30 –


8. Currency


In fig. 8.1 is shown the currencies


Fig. 8.1


You may change the number of active currencies by pressing F4 on a selected currency.

You may change the ordre of currencies by pressing ENTER in one currency and again ENTER in another currency.

Write new data in column Avista by pressing ENTER in the field Budget.

Navigation menus by pressing ESC or F5 or click the mouse (see fig. 3.3).

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9. Memo


In fig. 9.1 is shown the memo, which can be called

in the field Rem or by pressing F2.               


Fig. 9.1


You may write any text in fig. 9.1.

You may reorganize the text.

Press F2 better to see the picture below.

You may, when called over Job Bank, mark the lines by pressing F4 and merge the lines into Job Bank by pressing ENTER in the field à Bank.

Press F1 to get Help for other functions.

Navigation by pressing ESC or click the mouse to get the previous menu.

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M A S I  installation

       From MASI.ZIP

               1. Create the folder X:\MASI

2. Unzip MASI.ZIP into the folder X:\MASI

               3. RUN MASI5.EXE

       Within 2 month the licensee sends an E-mail to hj@masi.dk attached with a MASI 

       system file.


       In one second Hans Jessen prepares the file for copy protection and sends the 

       new file back to the licensee. The licensee copies this file into X:\MASI to

       make  M A S I  run also after the period of 2 month.


                                                                   Management Simulator M A S I  for Corporate Management


                                                M A S I   PROGRAM PRODUCT LICENCE


                      According to this Agreement dated on below date between:




User: ____________________________

              hereinafter called the Licensee and civ. ing. Hans Jessen HD, Kragelund Tværvej 14C, 

               DK-8600 Silkeborg, hereinafter called the Licensor the following has been agreed:


                     1. The Licensor provides the Licensee with a non-exclusive, non-transferable

                          right to use the M A S I program with the following

                          Licence no(s)...........................................................................

                          to be applied to a personal computer at the above address.


                     2. The program is the property of the Licensor and shall neither, wholly or par-

                          tially, in original or adapted form, be published without the written permis-

                          sion from Hans Jessen, nor shall the program be resold or in any other way

                          made available to a third party. The responsibility lies with the Licensee.


                     3. The Licensee may adapt the program for application on the same personal

                          computer. The program is copy-protected.


                     4. Any alterations concerning this Agreement shall be valid only by the written

                          acceptance of Hans Jessen.


                     5. In the event that the Agreement be violated, the Licensor is entitled to revo-

                         ke the Licence, to claim that the original program be surrendered, and to

                         claim that all copies, in whole or in part, original or adapted, be destroyed

                         without any compensation to the Licensee. The Licensee will be liable to

                         pay compensation for any loss caused by violation of this Agreement.


                     6. Licence fee only according to a separate written agreement.


                     7. The venue is in Copenhagen and the parties adhere to Danish Law.


                       Date       /       200                                     Date       /        200



                       ________________________             ________________________

                                      Hans Jessen                                                Licensee

                                                                 Management Simulator M A S I  for Corporate Management


Copyright © since 1982 of MASI. All rights reserved